CURRENTLY DEPLOYED: Volunteer with ACT Peru, Pulcallpa, Peru Sebatian provides full-time missionary ministry to the Peruvian Jungle Needed: $600/mo. (Administered as living expense grants through ACT Peru, LLC). Age: 24 Years (June 26, 1996)Nationality: ColombianMarital Status: SingleEmail: Education: Aircraft Mechanic Technician - Student pilot (current)Languages: Spanish; English - Intermediate Countries of Service: Colombia, Belize, and PeruChurch Responsibilities Held: Youth Leader, Sabbath School Teacher, and Elder.
Sebastian was born in Tolima, Colombia in a small community to a humble family that works in the fields. His aunt raised him until he reached 8 years of age and she was the one who taught him of the love of God and the Adventist faith. He worked since the age of 8 at various jobs with the intention of finishing his education. At the age of 16, he participated in government examinations and God permitted him to be one of 25 people selected at the national level to receive a scholarship to study aviation mechanics. He worked as an airplane mechanic for large airlines for three years while preaching and carrying out responsibilities of leadership in the local church. He was inspired by his biological brother to follow Jesus’ example and serve as a missionary. This has led him to serve as a full-time volunteer in any work that can be of help to society, bring humanitarian aid, and provide the opportunity to reflect the love of Jesus and preach the gospel through living testimony.
2018- Left work (at Avianca) and sold/gave away everything to serve God- Received training as a missionary in MOVE, an Adventist missionary training school located in Belize;- Worked as a Bible worker (Belize)- Participated in short-term mission projects helping to construct schools (Colombia) 2019 - 2020- Volunteer missionary with Peru Projects - Member of the administrative board of Peru Projects (2019)- Mission Coordinator for 8 different zones and communities (2019)- Instructor for the mission school - Director of maintenance of the aviation program (reports, invoices, legal documents)- Airplane mechanic for the airplanes of the SDA church- Participated in the logistics and construction of 4 missionary boats- Helped organize (?) the construction or remodeling of 6 churches in the communities- Conducted 8 evangelistic series (as preacher); Preached in zonal camp-meetings and youth camps
My greatest desire is to reflect the character of Christ. I made the decision to serve God as a lifelong missionary and work to bring people physical, mental, and spiritual help. I am convinced that Jesus is coming soon. I love to read the Bible, teach others about the love of Jesus,and write poetry. I seek to make God my total dependance, for without the Holy Spirit I am nothing. Jesus is my best friend and I want to present Him to others and share with them the Three Angles’ Messages.